To all the Sammy’s Weekend Volleyballers (SWV) out there ! ! ! !
Next Weekend is our Season Opener – weather permitting.
Saturday, 04/29/2017 – Start Time 9:30 am
Sunday, 04/30/2017 – Start Time 4:30 pm
Again to all, check out the New 2017 Flyer.
Come prepared with all the gear you’ll need. We’re at a point where the weather could be cold and rainy to hot and dry. BRING WATER, and don’t rely on anyone else to be able to supply you with anything. That way, you’ll be prepared and ready to go.
THANK YOU Rosanna, Mike S, and Dennis. They were extremely helpful today with me down at Seamans to make sure the courts are in decent shape, get the Nets back up to snuff and ready for good play, as well as, repaired the lines and do several other necessary maintenance things to make sure that come next week, we are a go 100%. Can’t thank you enough for roughing it through the damned rainy weather ( which was supposed to be sunny ) to get it all done.
There will be a few change up’s and add-on’s this year which you will all learn about, etc., one thing which is included in this letter to all again, is the Player Waiver Form. This will be needed to be executed and handed back into to me before you can play. I will also have forms on hand for any and all that need it at the park, just in case you forget to bring it, or we get some new walk-in’s.
I am hoping for another great year, good and safe play, meet even more new folks, and do all the things that we’re hoping to improve upon from last season. This includes our very first Team League Night on Wednesdays. Again, we’re still looking for a few Free Agents, that might be called in to play on one of the team, should they be short of a player or two due to vacations, responsibilities, etc.. SO, if you’re interested and have not done so already, shoot me a note back requesting to be added to that list.
To all the Team Captains for the Wednesday Nights, I’ll be working on and sending out to you your team roster ( IF I have all the information ) to make your life and my life easier for notifications throughout the season. Again, I’m expecting to have us start up May 17th, Wednesday Night. Please read up and know the addendum rules that we’ve got for Team League play. Any questions, give me a shout. You will ALL be able to see the team standings and some other things by hitting the Website – – IF you’re receiving emails from me then you’ve also been included to the website, or should be, and be able to hit the page and log on without any problems. Again, any questions or issues drop me a line back.
That’s it folks for now. Will start doing the bi-weekly email/web blasts, as well as the facebook posts, so keep a look-out for up to date info on anything, and I hope to see ALL next weekend. Let’s have some FUN and great gaming!
C 1-516-457-2876
– 2017 SWV FLyers
– 2017 SWV WaiverForm
– 2017 SWV-TeamFlyer2
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