Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball . . . . . . . Week Notice.
GAMES ON this weekend – Saturday 05/20 & Sunday 05/21
Saturday start time – 9:30 am +
Sunday start time – 4:30 pm +
Please get to the courts as soon as possible to get full gaming up and running AND to ensure that our group is able to have the courts to play. Remember, this is a public space open to anyone that get’s there first.
Looks like the weather will permit us to play, although for both days it might be a bit cool out. So, I’d suggest to dress in layers, as well as all the usual stuff. . . . . bring what you need to play; Water, Foot and Sun-shades, etc. etc. etc….. you all should know the drill. 🙂
Nothing much other new to talk about other than let’s play well, play by the rules, play well with each other and let’s have a good time doing it.
One note to all, PLEASE when you get to the courts, to Sign the Attendance sheet, AND leave me your information if I don’t have it; Cell phone and email. PLEASE write legibly ! ! ! ! 🙂
See ya’s out there!
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