2017-0804 SWV & WNT League Notes . . . . . Please Read ALL ! ! !

Aug. 04, 2017
2017 SWV & WNT
Hi folks,
   Notes about game schedule, league notes and events going on. . . .
08/05/2017 – Saturday Games – GAMES ON : Start time 9:30am
   Please get to the park as soon as you can to get games up and running AND to make sure
that WE get the courts.  Might be a bit wet, so come prepared.
SCHEDULE from Sunday 08/06/2017 thru Sunday 08/13/2017. . . . . .
NO Games this Sunday. . . . . . . . 08/06/2017
NO Games this Wednesday . . . . 08/09/2017
NO Games Next Weekend . . . . . 08/12th – 13th/2017
   Sorry gang, but I’ll be out of state, down in North Carolina, visiting with my family.
My niece had a BAD FALL while doing a gymnastic routine, and broke her left arm ! ! !
So, I definitely wanna get down there and hang with her for a few days.  🙁
   Maybe you folks can work out among yourselves to see if you can put together a throw
together game or play?  It’s up to you.  Whoever comes Saturday, work something out.
THANK YOU ALL who’ve continued to help me out and contribute ( in all ways ).  I got
word from our League Treasurer, Mr. Mike Kelly, that we made a decent amount of
contributions to the fund this past month again.  A total of $192.00 was taken in.  So,
adding that to the funds raised in May and June, we are now at a total of $762.00 raised
in the pot.  Pretty darn good!  I have managed to squeak by, and only have used a total
of $20.00 from this amount.  Leaving most for St. Jude’s Hospital AND the other half for
gear & stuff that we may need down the line.  I still also have a small amount from last
year too that we were able to raise, so on this front we’re doing pretty good, overall.
I hope that all will continue to be as generous as you can be ( Again NOT mandatory !!! )
but much, much appreciated in every way for the help, and I look forward cutting the
check to St. Jude’s this year.  We actually have a potential to double what we sent them
from last year which was around $450.00  🙂
VBaller & Friends Hangout – Met’s Game Outing :
Again, our buddy Mr. George Beisser is picking up tickets by August 19th, SO, IF you
will be able to go with the group attending this year, get your $21.00 to George sometime
on or before August 18th.  Otherwise you’ll have to pick up tickets on your own, and
coordinate with George as to what section we’ll be at.  I believe it’s around section 500 – 505
or something like that.  Talk with George, he’ll know much, much better.
Again, this is for September 8th, 2017, Met’s v Cincinnati.  Even if you don’t care much for
the Mets ( even though they are the Long Island Team. . . . )  it was fun to do, a great night
out, and with a good group to hang with.  I’m looking forward to that dirty water dog and a
cool beer!  🙂  Hope to see ya’s there and then.
Some personal notes about being down at Seamans.  Not sure if it was anyone in our group,
BUT there were cigarette butts found in the little grassy trench between the deck and the fencing.
Also, we’ve noticed a bit more little pieces of trash at the courts.  PLEASE ALSO keep junk off
the immediate areas of the volleyball courts, especially during game play.  IF this applies to
anyone of us, let’s make sure we clean up better, and throw out trash, butts, etc., in the proper
receptacle and OFF the court areas.  IF YOU SEE others throwing junk down, please also
( albeit KINDLY ) to them that we don’t do that here.  OUR group has a good rapport with the Town Park folks.  They know us.  They allow us to get away with certain things because they understand we ALL care about where we are, how we play, and how we keep things good down at Seamans.  So, help ME continue this good status continuing so they’ll again let us do things we want….i.e.
The Polar Ball Game!  Which we’ll again be doing in early 2018! ! ! ! !  So, stay tuned ! ! ! !
OK folks, that’s about it for now.  Again THANK YOU ALL for a great season ( so far ), and let’s
keep things going great as we start to wind things up.
See you then, see you there!
C    1-516-457-2876
E    sammyc@optonline.net
FB  https://www.facebook.com/SWVVBallers/
W   https://swv.lihq.com
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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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