September 05, 2017
Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball
Wednesday Night Team League
Semi-Finals Game Day :
Wednesday Games DELAYED-POSTPONED until Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017
I will be posting to the typical Weekend group that we’ll be staring things later
in the morning that day. At this time, if we START ON TIME, we should be
done by 10:45 am / 11:00 am.
Hi folks,
Due to inclement weather, Rain & Heavy Storms, that are predicted by most
weather outlets, I’m calling it today to postpone games scheduled for this
Wednesday to be done this coming Saturday on the 9th.
So, the Semi-Finals will be played Saturday morning, September 9th, 2017,
Start Time 9:30 am, will be the day and time we’ll play the Semi-Final Games.
SEMI-FINAL GAMES – ( To see who makes it to the Finals are ) :
Court One :
Team Business Casual vrs. Team Alternative Facts
Observed by Sammy
Court Two :
Team Ball Busters vrs. Team Spartans
Observed by Dennis
Each court shall play the Best out of (3) Three Games.
First Game shall be : First to get to 21 / win by 2 pts. OR first to reach 25 CAP
Second Game shall be : First to get to 21 / win by 2 pts. OR first to reach 25 CAP
…IF REQUIRED for a Tie-Breaker you will play a third lightening round game….
Third Game shall be : First to get to 15 / win by 2 pts. OR first to reach 18 CAP
THEN, after the Semi-Final Games, we’ll have the Game to see who makes it
to THIRD PLACE WINNER. YES, “WE” will have a Third Place Team ! ! ! !
The two teams knocked out in the Semi-Final Games will battle it out directly after
to see who Wins Third Place for the Season.
To be played On Court One :
Team ??? vrs. Team ??? ( To Be Determined )
Battle for Third Place shall play the Best out of (3) Three Games. Game shall be
played exactly like the first set of games played.
ALSO a note on “Player Substitutions on the Teams” :
After a review of comments from several of you out there, AND looking at how we’ve
played our games this season up to this point, the following is our Rulings on Substitutions
during the Semi-Finals & Final Games to be played;
– Since our Rules Set did not specifically cover “allowable team player substitutions” directly, yet
in order to allow games to occur through this season, we have been allowing the teams to have the
ability to ask another person to fill in and replace missing team members during normal game play
AS LONG AS it did not interfere with normal game play between the teams, therefore, based on this, we have decided that Substitutions shall be ALLOWED for this 2017 seasons Semi-Final & Finals Games, but with some restrictions.
Throughout the Semi-Finals and Final Games to be played there are a few additional covenants that all teams must abide by when including subs to play on their team.
FIRSTLY, IF you have your full team roster playing, then you are NOT allowed to sub in any other player additionally. i.e., you can’t go over the original number of players that were on your original list of folks playing on your team which everyone submitted to me at the beginning of the season. In short, IF you have your full team out there, than you can’t, at the end, ADD anyone at the last minute.
SECONDLY, if you do have missing players from your original team that can’t make it out for the Semi-Finals and Final Game, you will be allowed to ask for a substitute player to fill in on your team. BUT NOTE, IF you have more than (3) three original players out, again, from your original (8) player team list, you WILL be restricted to ONLY being allowed to play with a TOTAL team of (6) six players and NO MORE. This is our way of being fair in allowing you to pick up someone to replace a missing player on your team, BUT, try and prevent “Stacking” your team, again, at the last minute.
Please note that for the 2018 Season, and onward, we shall be revising and upgrading some of our rules and intent of play for the league. As mentioned before, this is Sammy’s League, and it’s an ever evolving thing. We believe that what we’ve come up for this season should be fair and allow a balance to what some folks want and what some other folks don’t. I hope you all will agree.
One final note on things. You’ll see that both myself and Dennis will be “observing” the games that shall be played. We will NOT be reffing things, but be there for a one time call if necessary. We both feel that, as all has been played throughout the season, YOU ALL will be responsible for Self-Reffing games played, and that if there is a discrepancy on any particular play, you fall back to simply REPLAYING that serve. It’s easy and to be understood that all of you will show the respect we demand between all players and that all of us want to see and have only good, fair, safe, and fun games.
So, without more, be well, be SAFE, play hard, and see you then and there ! ! ! Any other questions or comments feel free to contact myself, and or Dennis, should you need further explanation of things.
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