2017-1018 – SWV – Pam Madison Play Info :

October 18, 2017
Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball
Note to the group for one of our own . . . . .   😉
Sending out to any interested parties a notice about one of our own folks,
Mrs. Pam Madison, who’s in a play that’s coming up of which perhaps there
will be some that might want to attend.
I, on behalf of Pam, am sending out the Flyer and information on the play
for your information and use.  If interested just follow what the attached flyer
says to do, and enjoy a nice evening out!
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The Herricks Community Players Present :
” Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow “
Friday, Oct. 27th & Saturday Oct. 28th at 8:00 pm
Sunday, Oct. 29th at 3:00 pm
Adults =  $25 / Person  –  Seniors & Children under 12yo = $22 / Person
For Tickets Call : 1-516-742-1926  or visit  www.herrickscommunityplayers.org
Located at :
The Herricks Community Center
# 999 Herricks Road
New Hyde Park, NY
IF interested, hope you can make it on out !PamMadison-PlayBillFlyer

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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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