January 05, 2018
NOTICE : POSTPONEMENT of the SWV PolarBall-II Winter Game ! ! ! ! 🙁
New Date : January 20th, 2018 – 10:00 AM ( ALL WILL ATTEND!!!! )
Well, it seems that mother nature’s really giving us the COLD shoulder. 🙂 Temps in the teeny-weenies and a wind chill factor that only Eskimo’s and Canada can deal with. Even a bit too much for us. PLUS, of the several emails and texts I got back from many who are down with that damned illness going around, and others that are just exhausted and beaten up and need some more time.
SOOOoooo, with all that said, we are postponing our scheduled game and hang out afterwards to JANUARY 20 th, 2018. 10:00 am start time. Then Shooters Tiki Bar & Grille around 3:00-3:30 pm. Note, the Jersey’s came in, if you saw my last posting on FB or Email, so all those who ordered one, bring your $18 bucks and be ready to receive this wonderful item, and for those late comers I have a few additional Jerseys in different sizes to get – on those it’s first come, first serve. 🙂
Stay well, feel better ( me too! ), drink Orange Juice and hit more vitamins C, D, B, and whatever the hell else you need, and gear up for the 20th. This WILL be the date we play, and that’ll be regardless of just about anything else going on in the world or with the weather ! ! ! !
Later folks, SammyC . . . . ……
Aaaahhhh – – – – CHHOooooOO!!!!! Sniffle, Sniffle, Sniffle . . . . UUrrghhhh!
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