2018-0110 : Follow-Up Note for the show ” COMPANY ” . . . . . . :)

January 10, 2018
“Are you planning to attend the COMPANY show???”
Dear folks,
   An update.   For those who are looking to attend the play ” COMPANY “, there’s a bunch of us that have already decided that we are going together, and that we’ve selected the February 10th, 2018 show to attend.
   IF you’re interested in attending with our group, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP.  As we’re looking into a special group rate for us.  So, get back to me ASAP.  🙂

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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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