February 02, 2018
Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball – 2018 Season Weekend Overview :
Hello folks !
This is a brief message to our group on the upcoming weekend game season down at Seamans Neck, and some other things going on. Hopefully you have ALL had a wonderful holiday break, getting into the upcoming indoor Spring Clinics and gearing up to get back to some great Summer Volleyball down at Seamans Neck Park, and the other places that you and all play at.
For this coming season Saturday’s will be the main stay of our volleyball gaming. I’m hoping that we’ll get in as much days as weather and other things permit, and that things run as great as they did last season. I’m also hoping to see all of my regulars that come down, also to those new folks that have recently joined us, and hopefully get even more new FUN folks to join our group of like-minded VBallers nutcases. 🙂
For this season, 2018, I won’t be running any Sunday game days, at least NOT on a constant basis. Instead, Sundays will be used when and if we need things for make-ups, and or if “Inspired” to get together with enough folks to do something. Unfortunately, do to work schedule and other personal things going on, I need to cut back, so unless further advised, Sundays will be a free day. Perhaps YOU out there will decide to organize and do something in place of SWV?
There will be some minor changes to our Rules Set, that we’ve learned and adopted from last summer, and I hope to be able to send out a New 2018 Flyer to the group within the next three weeks or so. Nothing much new to my typical VBallers, and hopefully helpful to the new folks. ALSO, these can be used to advertise and get in even more new players to join up with us.
This year I need some help from the group for the planned “Work Party” which should take place around the Second Saturday in April. I, Dennis, and hopefully about 6 other folks, can make it on out, and commit some time to “spruce” up things, and get the courts back up to our sophistication of excellence when playing. OK, at least we can hope to repair some things that we know the park won’t be able to get to, AND that I hope to fix up some things in order to give us a better playing field when we do start. 🙂 So, for those of you that can hopefully help out, please let me know between now and then. I think I’m giving ALL plenty of time to schedule a few morning hours to help out. 🙂
Hopefully, by the Third Saturday in April, weather permitting, we will be able to kick things into gear and start up. That’s the plan right now, and we’ll see how things develop. Again, today’s notice is just an generalization on what’s going on, and I know there will be much more info to come out over the next several weeks.
Last note, if you haven’t heard, EEVB will NO LONGER be running things down at Cedar Beach. If you’ve seen notes from EEVB and the other organization that’s taken over there ( apparently ), the deal has been done with the Town of Babylon. This is something that I, and a few that I’ve spoken to about it, have found shocking, literally. How does a town take something away from a League that only has grown, more and more prosperous, in the years that it’s been there, and instead, hand it off to another group that has had a major decrease in participants over the past years, many that have gone to join EEVB ?!?!?!? Also, I’m not too happy to see only one organization just about control all major volleyball beach places to play at. Can anyone else say “over-control”? What will this do to prices? To schedule of play? To the general way things will be run??? HHhhmmmm????, who knows exactly why, and how, I sure don’t, that’s a fact, and I can only say I think its a shame. Check out Facebook for more from EEVB, as well as, their website, and you can hit the LIVA website too, if you’re not already receiving the emails from those groups, about what’s been and now and what will happen in the future, that’s going on. Good luck to you all that have enjoyed playing at these places, and I only hope that things run as well as things have gone before at Cedar Beach. Time will tell?!?!?!?!?
OK, that’s enough from me right now. That’s the shake down, and overview, for what’s planned for 2018, and you’ll see more as we get closer and closer to the start of things.
Always, best of things to ALL, and hope to see you out there when we play.
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