2018-0407 – SWV – VBallers Hangout – Bowling Night Out – – April 15th, at 4pm Wantagh Lanes. . . . .

Dear All fellow VBallers ! ! !
I hope that all my fellow faithul folks had a wonderful Passover and Easter Celebration, and
were able to spend it with close family and friends. 🙂
This is a follow-up for the planned upcoming VBaller hangout, our Bowling Night Out date.
The following note was passed to me to send to you by Mike Kelly.  Any questions, comments,
etc., please respond back to him ASAP.  Hope to see ya’s there and then, and to kick back and
hang for a while.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  Bowling Night Out Notice = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Hi  Sammy,
Please forward when you have an opportunity : Wantagh Lanes Bowling Alley
Bowling begins at 4 PM  We have the lanes for 2 1/2 hours
 In order to maximize time I’d suggest we’re ready to start bowling @4
I need to give Shooters a head count  Will assume that everyone is going Unless I hear differently
Email  :  mikat11793@aol.com
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  Bowling Night Out Notice = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
So, HOPE to see all that are planning to come out on April 15th, 2018, at 4pm down at
Wantagh Lanes, and thereafter heading out to SHOOTERS for a drink and food.

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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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