June 22, 2018
Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball
& CoEd 6’s Team League
Weekend Notice :
NO GAMES this weekend….
Sorry folks, due to impending bad weather hitting us on and off tomorrow, as noted in the several weather reports I’ve been watching, I’m going to have to call off our SWV games for Saturday. We’ll be back next week, so stay tuned.
HOWEVER, for you VBall nut-cases out there, IF YOU want to still go out and do something un-officially, hit the Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/SWVVBallers/ ) and post that you’ll be out there, at what time, and see if others will post back to you that they’ll meet you. Maybe someone might want to still go out, and you can easily use the SWV Facebook page to post and hopefully gain fellow crazzies ( just not me! ).
Good luck, and catch you all next time!
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