2018-0811 SWV Weekend Notice Update : NO GAMES!!! Games Cancelled due to bad weather. :(

August 11, 2018  –                                                                                                                                     Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball & Wed. Nt. CoEd 6’s Team League                                                               General Notice to the group!  –  Games CANCELLED for TODAY

Dear folks,

Sorry, but due to the weather, we are CANCELLING Saturday morning/afternoon games. 🙁

So, go do something good elsewhere today, and we’ll hope that next weekend will be better.

Regards,  SammyC

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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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