2018-1004 – SWV Weekend Notice & Other Notes . . . .

October 04, 2018

Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball
& Wed. Nt. CoEd 6’s Team League
Weekend Notes :
Saturday – Games ON.  Start Time 9:45 am
Sunday  –  Games ON.  Start Time 3:00 pm
   Please be at the courts on time, and ready to play as soon as possible
with whatever equipment ( etc ) you need to play.
   Saturday should be a bit cool, and Sunday a bit warmer, but both days
look like they should be easy and a great day to play, so hope to see all
those that can make it on out while we still have a few weeks time to play.
Reminder too!
   On October 27th, we’re trying to shoot for our Halloween Bowl Game!  That’s a Saturday, and
we’ll probably start out around 3pm ( I think? ).  But, hoping that we’ll get a decent turn out and
the day’s weather will behave.  Hopefully folks will come out in COSTUME as well ! !  😉  Let’s see
what we can put together on this.
Brew’s for Bray Notes :  Good Karma Update !!!
   You folks that came out and supported Chris, Mel, and little Bray, should ALL
be proud.  I was told that the Fundraiser Night raised OVER $10,400.00, which
is amazing to me.  Great outpouring of folks and charity to help our friends out.
Really awesome, and congrats to ALL that participated in whatever way they
did. 🙂
   Also Passing along a note that Chris himself wrote me to send out, just in
case you haven’t spoken to any of them yet;
” We want to say THANK YOU!!!!! Your love and support for our son means more to us than you’ll ever know. Our dream one day is for our Brave Angel to talk and walk one day, and you guys and gals have just helped us move forward with as many intensive PT sessions as he needs including extra 5-day sessions that we just booked on school breaks!!!

We have so much fun playing volleyball with all of you, and one thing we have learned is to never take anything for granted. We would give it all up if we could trade it for Brayden’s steps and his words, and just getting on the court and being able to play is a victory for us, and to be able to do it with good people that we can call our friends is even sweeter.


Melanie, Chris, and Bray Bray “

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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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