2018-1011 SWV Weekend Notices & Notes . . . . . Stuff goiN on . . . .

October 11, 2018
Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball
& Wed. Nite Teams and Other Stuff . . . . 😉

Weekend Games :
Saturday Morning Games – ON : Start Time 9:45 am
Sunday Afternoon Games – ON : Start Time 3:00 pm

It may be a bit wet on Saturday, and cool too. Dress appropriately and be prepared.
I still plan to be out there, and at the very least I have traffic cones for the courts and
will go very frugal with the rest of the stuff I bring.

Sunday looks like it should be the best day to play, so let’s try to be there and ready
to go at 3pm.

Also, LOTS of fun with the new (3) hit rule BEFORE the ball goes over the net. Just
about everyone, after initial complaints, begun to get into it, and it made for MUCH
BETTER GAMES. SO, start looking for THAT RULE to kick in after a game or two
when we get going. Get ready to play ACTUAL volleyball again! 😉

Collecting for Mr. Anthony Giordano & Family. Thanks to those that already gave me
monies for the collection for Anthony. It’s still going on as I mentioned up until Oct. 27th,
when we’re supposed to have our Halloween Game on Saturday Afternoon. IF you’d
like to contribute, find ME, or Dennis or Mike Kelly, and get whatever you can to us.
I plan to combine the entire take by the 27th, and along with a nice card, get over to the
Giordano’s residence ( or Hospital if he’s still there ) and make the presentation.

ALSO : I have been notified that there IS in fact a “gofundme” thing. SO, if you can’t or
don’t want to go through me, and wish to do this other way of sending something to
Anthony, here’s the link that I was given for it; Copy & Paste into your brower :


This is the family’s gofundme page that you can go to and help out.

…..and that’s it for now. Again, hope to see all that can make it on down this weekend,
and we’ll see what the weather and days do to us, as well as, hopefully we can all lend
a hand to another of our own in their time of need.

Be well ALL. See you then and there!


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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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