2019-0920 SWV Weekend Note : Saturday Games ON – Start Time 9:30 am !!!

September 20, 2019

SWV – Weekend Notes :

Saturday – Games ON
Time :  9:30 am  . . . . . !!!!!!!!

Hi All,

   Looks like we’ve got a GOOD weekend ahead.  So, why not play some VBall while we still have the chance to do so.

Come prepared for anything, play by our rules, and remember HAVE SOME DAMNED FUN ! ! ! ! !  😉

   Last weekend we had a really good turn out.  It’d be really cool to beat even that.

   Start Time – 9:30 am.  PLEASE be there on time to get full teams up and running on time, and well balanced as possible.


2019-0508 : 2019 Season of Sammy’s weekend volleyball & other stuff “begins”

May 08, 2019

Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball &Other stuff . . . . . .  BEGINS ! ! ! ! !

Date :  May 11th, 2019Time :  9:30 am


Hi folks!

We kick off the season ( weather permitting ) THIS coming Saturday.May, 11th, 2019.  9:30 am start time.

This season we have UPDATED RULES ( see below ), and a REQUIRED Insurance for ALL members forOpen and Team Game days.  

Please hit the AVPAmerica.org website.  Select “EEVB” as the organization ( our umbrella )and pay the $20 bucks per person PER YEAR for the New Membership Number.  This seasonthe Waiver Forms require the AVPAmerica.org membership.

Hoping to see all this Saturday ( weather permitting ) and all ready to have some fun sandVBall gaming.  Bring anything you need to play safely, and let’s kick things off.

Please download and read through the updated Rules & Intent, as we’ve tweaked things a bitmore for this year.

Last note, anyone interested in a New 2019 T-Shirt or Hoodie, ( Dark Blue with Yellow Logo ) let me know ASAP.  Cost for the T’s should be around $20, the Hoodie, I have to find out.

Later & See ya’s there,



2019-0415 SWV – 2019 Season notes

April 15, 2019

Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball &CoEd 6’s Team League, and other stuff . . . .
Group Notes :

   Hope you’re all doing well.  A few follow-up notes for the upcoming 2019 season.  

1).  Yearly Work Party, Seamans Neck Park :  April 27, 2019.  Start 10:00 am.   I can use as many bodies as possible.  Need Brooms, Shovels, Rakes, and some time.  We need to clean up, fix up, and re-shape the sand courts as best we can.  Your help would be great.  PLEASE leave me a note back IF you can make it.

2).  Our Season for Saturday mornings / Sunday Afternoons ( when I can ) shall start on May 11th., weather permitting, and go for as long as we can go.  NOTE :  ALL participants MUST have an AVP-America Membership and Number in good standings in order to play.  Them’s the rules, and we all gotta live by them.   So, when I first see you for the season, and we all fill out those waiver form thingies, THIS information will be a required part of it to get me.

3).  We are looking to ALSO do something on Monday evenings, IF I can work it out, and IF we can get enough people to make it work.  MORE to COME on that soon, so stay tuned.  Since you’ll all have your AVP America Number, it’ll be easy for you.

   That’s it for now.  The 2019 Summer Season is coming really close.  Stay well till then, and we’ll be seeing each other sooner than you think. 😉

Yours, SammyC
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