2019-0331 SWV – 2019 Season notice : Work Party, Weekend Opener & Team League Notes . . . .. . . . .

March 31, 2019 Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball & CoEd 6’s Team Leagues . . . . ..2019 Season Notice :  Work Party,  Weekend Opener, & Team League Info :

To :   ALL Vballers crazy enough to be part of SWV ! ! ! !

Hi folks,
   Well, we are coming to the wire and getting ready and geared up to start stuff for the 2019 season.Welcome ALL who will be coming back, and to the newer folks that we’ve been lucky enough to pick upduring the winter.  Hope to see you down when you can make it.

1).   First order of business :  Work Party at Seamans Neck Park :

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS !!!   We are looking at April 27, 2019 start time at 10:00 am.  Rain date the next day, Sunday the 28th.   IF possible, I need bodies with shovels, rakes, and hands on deck to help out get some things back into better working order for this season.  IF you can make it PLEASE drop me a note and let me know if you can come, and if you have any gardening tools ( Shovel, Rake, Broom ) to bring to help out.     We’ll be shifting the sand grade again.  Fixing up the nets again.  and just a general spruce up.  If we can all be there on time, it shouldn’t take more than roughly 2 hours as it did last year ( to whom I still say a big thank you too! ).  So, LET ME KNOW.

2).   Second Note :  The SWV 2019 Weekend Season  & AVP America

Membership Requirement :
   Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball OPENER :  We are scheduling to begin, again weather permitting us to do so, May 18th, 2019.  Start time 9:00 am to roughly 1:30 pm.  And guess what, “I” have a PERMIT to do so.  Therefore, THIS season EVERYONE MUST go get an AVP America membership number, and then when down sign off on my typical waiver form.  That’s it.  No other fee for the ENTIRE SUMMER ! ! ! !, including Sunday’s when we run things as that I listed down as a “MAKE-UP” day.  The Town of Hempstead approved it.
   To obtain your AVP America yearly membership go to :                    https://www.avpamerica.com/Add-Player.aspx
   When there, and when you register, select “East End Volleyball” from the dropdown menu for the Org/Beach club, selection.  That’s our umbrella coverage.  You will obtain your registration number, of which MUST be given to ME.  Then, we’ll have NO worries when we do any of our group things, as well as, any other “organized” play we decide to do or hold.  ALSO, this way, the court is OURS on those days and times, and so we will be a bit more protected from other groups who now have eyes on our piece of sand!
   ALSO, note that when you obtain your AVP America membership, you’ll be all set should you decide to do anything with the AVP, EEVB, as well as, our own SWV, in the future.  And on that note, I have been given information to spread to our group something that you also might all be interested in.  Please read the following;

   From Rich Heiles – EEVB
Two new local leagues are available to the SWV players in case they want to play another night during the summer:

–   Monday at Nickerson Beach: any team from your group can play for $225 / team –   Thursday down at Pt. Lookout: for $350 / Team

NOTE : Teams MUST be pre-register by April 30th and mention your name ( Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball – Sammy Ciccolella ).   Although, the Monday thing technically conflicts with ME, you never know.  So if ANYONE is interested, you have a special rate thing if you are at all wanting to do so.  Wow! An actual “perk” through SWV. 🙂

3).   Next Order of Business :   SWV Monday and Wednesday CoEd 6’s Team League :

   To all our VBallers out there.  IF you’re at all interested, and time is coming close to our Team Start, slated right now for May 13th for Monday’s and May 15th for Wednesday’s, PLEASE get in touch with me ASAP.  
   We are looking for teams for the Monday Night Day, and possible “Free Agents” for the Wednesday Night Days we play.   Again, this is a pay to play team league, exclusive to our SWV members first.  I will have the absolute costs per team by next week, and shoot that out to all.  Also, for it, you NEED to have your AVP America membership in good standing, SO, if you act now and pick it up soon, you’ll have it whether you’re looking to form a new Monday Night Team, and or go Free Agent with anyone for Monday’s or Wednesdays.
   The season is ALSO gong to run a bit longer this year.  Where Typical League Play shall be ending on the week of September 2nd. Monday and 4th Wednesday, the following two weeks shall be the Semi-Finals and Finals Playoff Days.  This hopefully will better work for most’s schedules, as we learned from last year.So, Monday Semi-Finals Sept. 9th, Finals Sept. 16.  AND  Wednesday Semi-Finals Sept. 11th., and Finals Sept. 18th.  Again, we hope that this better fits most all’s schedules.
   We have a slight update to the Rules and Notes, which over the course of the next week/weekend, I shall pump out to the entire group.  I am just happy to bring out THIS, my first 2019 Season Group Notice out to everyone at this time.
   Again, we play by the rules we have set down.  We look to play good games as possible.  We always look to play smart and SAFE.  AND bottom line, let’s have some FUN.  That’s what it’s really all about.
   I look forward seeing everyone, and more, again this season, so pass the word to everyone, and we’ll be in touch soon.

Regards, SammyC EML :  sammyc@optonline.net Cell  :  1-516-457-2876

2019-0111 – SWV : Polar Ball III – Some final notes pre-game….. :)

January 11, 2019

Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball . . . . . usually when it’s NICE and WARM THO ! ! ! ! !  😉
POLAR BALL III 2019 – Damn it’ll be COLD OUT THERE ! ! ! ! !
Some notes folks….
Our own Anna, has a great few points about what and how to dress in COLD weather, which I thought would be great to pass along.  So, as a last moment note, here’s what she wrote to me;
” A small addition to your list of advice on clothing, just in case – most people probably know it:
Cotton does not work in cold – the worst in socks and base layer. Wool, polyester or silk in layers keep body dry and insulated. A light shell can help if it happens to be windy. Polar ball shirt is good on top of the other stuff:-)  “
Yup!  Great set of points to be made on what and how to dress.  SO, hope all you nut cases..eerrrrhhh I mean fellow die-hearted VBaller’s out there, just make sure you dress the part.  Weather prediction is it’ll be in the 20’s or so.  It should be clear, so no wetness ( thankfully ), but it’s gonna feel pretty darn cold.  For instance, DON!!!  Just throw on some long sweat pants under those shorts when you make it out.  AND Alex, tomorrow might NOT be the best day to be barefoot and play, if you’re coming on out!  😉
Let’s be SAFE.  Let’s make it FUN, and so, let’s all have a good time.
Again, Setup time around 9am.  Game time around 10am.  Going in with enough equipment, but as light as possible to get IN and get OUT as quick as possible.
Hope those who mentioned it WILL be bringing along some HOT stuff to share, remember CUPS!!!  😉
And then we’ll see about getting packed up when done, and out to SHOOTERS TIKKI Bar after, around 4pm.  I called and we got a table for those that get there.
Oh, last note, I’ve got the box of T-SHirts ( Long Sleeved! ) and cool Hoodies.  Bring your $20 or $35 buckaroos to get your order.  Those that ordered things get their’s first, then whatever that might be left over, is up for grabs.  I will think also about bringing the other Shirts and Jerseys we have, as those are from this past summer to the first Polar Ball game, and if anyone wants a reduced cost shirt, etc., let me know.
OK.  That’s about it.  I’ll be packing my truck up soon with all the crap we’ll need, and hope to see everyone that’ll be coming out to play, and to drink and eat after, tomorrow!  Be well, be safe, let’s have fun, and another great Polar Ball III moment!
.. . . .

2019-0109 – SWV – Polar Ball III – Final Notes and Message to the group :)

January 09, 2019
Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball –
Winter Polar Ball III Game
Final Notes :
Hi folks,
   OK, looks like the track will be clear and fast for this coming Saturday, HOWEVER, it’s going to be COLD as hell ! ! ! !  SO, I will be bringing my space heater, God willing Roy will be attending and bringing his as well.  I will have the Tent UP, and bring some coverage on the side for it.  That way, we hopefully have some external warmth.  Roy, let me know if that’s good with you?
Polar Ball III Notes : 
   Saturday.  January 12, 2019.  Helpers to Set Up – 9:00 am.  Game Time 10:00 am to around 2:00 pm.  Then I’ll NEED HELP with break down and packing up ! ! ! !
   We’ll be headed over to SHOOTERS TIKI BAR & GRILL afterwards, say by 4:00 pm, I will call the place and have them try to reserve a place for our little group that will be showing up for that.
   That day, I’ll have two table set up in the tent area.  This will be for Hot “Stuff” that I hope those that said they’ll be bringing bring, as well as, for everyone else who wants to chip in and bring something HOT to put on.  Anyone looking to bring something would be great, and I’m sure it won’t go to waste.  Thanks to all that actually got back to me to ask what to bring, but anyone else out there, if you want to bring something, again, that’d be great.
   ALL folks playing in this season’s PB III, please dress for the occasion.  Best tips;  Layered clothing.  Shirt, Long Pants, Gloves, Hat and Scarf, and even layered coat ( sweater to Parker – for example ).  Important thing is to stay warm, and have fun safely.  Also, Socks, and good footwear.  Most likely decent sneakers.  We’re on the sand, but that should keep you upright and protected.  I don’t think you’ll need snow boots, and I would NOT recommend going barefoot, that is unless you really wish to want to use your health care for some reason???  Please dress for the occasion, and even bring an extra set of clothes in case you get wet, somehow.  Although, no rain or bad weather is predicted for this coming Saturday, just COLD.  And I think the ground might still be loose, not frozen just yet as it was last season.  So we should NOT need pick axes or Snow Melt.
   I have been in touch with the Park Folks over this year’s game, as I was informed a few weeks ago we needed to be covered under Insurance for this “special day”, which we ARE, so no worries on that front, AND I was told by the park manager, that he’s going to try and bring out the “SandBony” to LEVEL OFF the ground.  Therefore, and again God willing, the courts should be in good shape, and easy to walk on, without fear of breaking an ankle. 🙂  However, bring a shovel – JUST IN CASE.  🙂
T’s & Hoodies Notes :
   ALSO, thanks to ALL those who signed up for a T-Shirt and or Hoodie.  I’ve got the list of all those that sent in their order requests, and those that did get first dibs on everything.  I did order a few T-Shirts and very few Hoodies, as extra’s just in case there are any other late comers.  PLEASE BRING CASH to pick up your order.  T-Shirts are $20.00 bucks, and the Hoodies are $35.00.  The BOX of these came in this week, and I checked out everything which so far looks really good.
   Those attending the game, I will divy out their order when I see you according the list, and will bring the box to the bar to see if there are any left-overs for others that may want a one of a kind item. 🙂  Get yours while it’s still possible.
   As a BONUS, we’ll be bringing the other past Summer and Winter T-shirts that we have made up, and selling them all at a reduced price.  So again, if you didn’t get a Summer 2018 T, now’s your chance, and or should anyone want one of the Polar Ball I or II T’s, you’ll have a possibility that day, AND at a lowered cost too.  Again, while supply lasts.  It’d be great to sell off all order units that I have, as I want to pick up and order the new balls we’ll be using for this coming season, as well as, the new Park Permit is coming up in the next weeks too for this coming 2019 season!  Your participation helps greatly.
   And that’s IT fellow VBallers.  I’m looking to seeing all those that will brave the elements once again, to have a bit of fun in the sun ( although it’ll be cold as hell ) down at the park, AND THEN, see those that will be there at the after-party.  Let’s hope all goes well, and to the plan, and we have another successful outing.  Any other questions, comments, or other, just drop me an email, and or call me, and or I’ll see you out there this coming Saturday !
Yours sincerely,
Cell 1-516-457-2876