Poop I Say! Poop, and Double Poop! ! ! Saturday & Sunday Oct. 1 & 2

End-Week Post. : Saturday & Sunday October 1 & 2


CRAP!!!!!! What looked to be a decent autumn Saturday and Sunday prediction from Monday, has now, Thursday early morning as I write this post to all, very much across the board turned into calls for 60% chance on Saturday and 50% chance on Sunday for rain, and cool temps.

So, in hopes of avoiding the flu I’m forced to CANCEL SWV gaming for this weekend. ???
Sorry, but I just don’t know how to control the weather. At least not yet!

Be well, have a good week, enjoy the changing of the season and let’s hope we can catch better weather the following week.

At this point I think we might have a shot at it for two more weeks.

BUT here’s some other more “upbeat” news;

SWV “New Years VBall”. On January 2, 2017. I believe that’s a Monday. That’s the day chosen to try and hold our first ever Polarbear-Carrot-Turtle volleyball Game day. Now this is still in the works, but if we can get at least 10 nut cases to join in, then we will try and do it. You’ll be filled in on more as to where and what time etc as the day grows closer. Time and weather and if I don’t have the flu by then etc. …. permitting! Hhmmmm….wonder how u run in snow boots and heavy coats?????

ALSO Next Year, SWV 2017 Summer season, It’s roughly been outlined that Sammy’s Weekend Volleyball will actually attempt Team Night Gaming during the week. WEDNESDAY nights. 6 pm till dark ( run just like Cedar ). This is 6’s Co-Ed. We are looking for a commitment of 6 Teams. So far we have 3 – 4 teams mostly in. So looking for 3 or 2 more others to fill out the ranks.
If your a “free agent” and interested let me know. You could be assigned to a team OR possibly we can create a team if we get enough.
Again more rules and details to follow, but really hope this will work out.

PS  –  Something I didn’t even know when I posted this very early morning . . . . . . I’m trying to work out something for Fall/Winter, and if it ever works out, and able to do, then even for Winter/Spring.  Will let all know when “I” know more, and find out all the particulars.

PS  –  Something Something ALSO :  An early warning alert for all you SWV VBallers. . . . . . . Put in your calendars Oct. 22 nd.  –  Trying to put together an End of Summer SWV 2016 Bash.  Will forward particulars on THAT as well when even “I” find out.  Right now, there’s a few “party bees” at work putting together the details. . . . . . . .

Be well, see ya’s next time.


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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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