This Weekend Notes :
1). Sunday games. Unsure if we’re playing. I only received a few notes back from folks, and at this time, there is only 3 people confirming that they can and will make it. Again, if I don’t get a minimum of 12 folks confirming with me to be there at 4:30pm ( other than those that must work and will make it out when done – let me know what expected time you’ll be able to show up ) we’re a NO GO.
2). Saturday games. I am waiting until tomorrow to make the final call of yes or no. There’s a call for Thunderstorms, roughly 40 %. However, I’m not exactly sure at what point they’ll hit our area. So, tomorrow, late morning should determine that. I will put out the final notice for this weekend Tomorrow, hopefully mid day.
Again, Where are my Sunday VBallers??? If you want this to be a go, get back to me. Text me, Facebook me, Email me back…..
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