SWV Game Days for April 30th & May 1st – Weekend # 2 – 2016

Hi fellow VBallers,

Notes for this coming weekend.   Weekend # 2 – 2016
Saturday, April 30, 2016 – 9:15 am Start Time ( to around 2 pm )
Games ON 100 %
Weather should be good, clear, and the courts are ready to play on.
Hope to see ALL come on down, even if you come and go, it’d be nice
to see you.
Sunday, May 1, 2016 – 4:15 pm Start Time ( to around 7:30 pm )
Well……this is a toughy.  Right now we’re a 70 % chance of a GO.
PLEASE watch for any late Saturday or Early Sunday email if we
need to postpone for Sunday, as there’s a chance of bad weather.
We’ll see when we’re much closer.
Please hit the Facebook page, and or refer to the 2016 Flyer given out.
In it, is not only the directions to the park, BUT, our Rules set, and suggestions
of what YOU as a participant should have with you when you show up.
Again, I want to say THANK YOU to all the folks that came out last weekend
even though Saturday was a bit tough, and Sunday evening became a bit cool.
You guys made it lot’s of fun, and a great beginning to the 2016 Season.
Remember, this is ALL about having fun, in as much playing good games of
volleyball.  Yet, a not on that subject, I just want to say how happy I was to see
folks playing actually trying hard to do the 3 hits and over, and not just ping-pong.
It was good to see that we’re all striving for better gaming. 🙂
Thanks also to all who’ve helped out both with set up and breaking down all the
“stuff” I bring to help us have a good time, AND, thank you – thank you – thank you,
to all who chipped in to the weekly contribution that I have begun this year.
On that, 50 % of everything we wind up making this year will go to St. Jude’s
Children’s Charity, and the rest will be used to pick up “stuff” we need to upkeep,
pick-up, etc., for our weekend games.
Also, I’ll be looking into receiving back notes from all that are interested in a
League Jersey that we’ve got.  I have and am showing ( soon to email post a pic
of ) a Mock-up of what the League Jersey will be.  Only thing is, the mock-up has
5 colors, and really we’ll probably only be making up a shirt with 2 colors.  That,
balanced to hopefully a lot of people that want a jersey T-shirt, will allow me to
work with the company doing the shirts, and get them for the lowest price possible.
So, inquire with me, let me know if you want one, and what size you take.  When
I can get enough on the list who want ( 20 + ), I’ll be able to order ’em up!
That’s it for now, hope to see all and as many that can make it out Saturday, and
70% mostly for Sunday evening!
Sincere regards,
C  1-516-457-2876
E   sammyc@optonline.net

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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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