SWV Mid-Week Post : Saturday, August 13th & Sunday, August 14th :
GAMES ON – Saturday, August 13th : Start Time 9:30 am : The Weather is going to be HOT – HOT – HOT ! ! ! ! ! Please be prepared. Bring a cooler with ICE, and plenty of water. Bring Foot Protection of some sort. Do NOT rely on anyone else to have what you need to play and be safe. Let’s be smart about things, and have a good game day, and keep well doing it. Bring something salty munchies, such as peanuts, etc., and have plenty of water to stay hydrated. Again, we’ve got a good record playing without too many problems. I want that to remain the norm! I will have one 12 ft x 12 ft tent, but that isn’t much. Please bring everything you need to play in hot weather, and hot sand. Also, there’s a 30 % chance of rain, which would be a blessing actually, BUT, we must vacate the court if it rains too much for fear of lightening. General rule of the park office!
Also, for those interested in attending the little SWV outing to the METS Game, Sept. 2, bring your $22 bucks to give to George who’ll be headed to the stadium later that day to pick up the tickets. Any other questions on that, please see George or April in regards.
GAMES OFF – Sunday, August 14th : NO GAMES – OFF : Due obnoxious weather, and lack of response, we will NOT be playing this Sunday. If you’re a typical Sunday player, please think about dropping by on the Saturday Game Day. Last week was an awesome day, I would like to continue doing that, but 1). I need people to let me know and 2). we all need decent weather to play in. “They” predict some possible nasty Thunder Storms ( which also means lightening, and of course we cannot play in that, as well as, the park office will shut us down for safety concerns ). So, we will pick it up the following weekend. Let’s hope for some better weather!
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