Weekend No. 21 : Saturday, Sept. 17th & Sunday, Sept. 18th

Weekend No. 21 : Saturday, Sept. 17th & Sunday, Sept. 18th

Saturday – Sept. 17th :  Games ON.  Start time 9:30 am.  Looks like this should be a good day, so come as soon as you can to get full team games up and running.  There’s not many weekends left at this point, so I hope to see as many that will make it.

Sunday – Sept. 18th : GAMES OFF.  Sorry gang, but all forecast indicate too high a probability of rain and bad weather.  Now with the cooler temps, and trying to clean up and get out, as well as, dealing with the less light in the day, leaves only a bad day to try and play.  We’ll try again next time.  Until then, stay well, and hope to see ya’s next time.

Saturday Evening VBaller Hangout : POSTPONED :  Sorry folks, but we’re going to have to postpone and reschedule the evening get together that we had planned.  Just too many things that everyone is committed in doing making it impossible to get enough to go.  We’ll see what we can do in the near future, and I promise to keep you all posted.

Recap of some Rules :  For our new folks, and recapping for others.  Please note, for the Saturday and Sunday games, there are NO pre-established teams, nor cliques.  When the group arrives, I assemble teams as I see fit to try and balance out things as best as possible.  As things progress, we adjust as we have to.  SO, when you get down to the courts come to ME and I’ll assign you a team to play on.  I try as best as possible to accommodate those that like to play together, BUT, my first and only thought is to have all teams as best leveled off as possible. That way the overall gaming should be as best as possible through out the day.  Next year, we’re planning on adding a day for Team Play, so let me know if any and all are interested.  IF you have an issue with something, come up to me to discuss it, and we’ll see how we can make better changes to avoid needless issues.  Please understand and follow our rules.  Thx!

So, for all that can make it, see ya Saturday morning.   Yours, SammyC  1-516-457-2876


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Hi, I'm Sammy, and I'm the one who originally began this mission.....get some good folks down to play some fun games of volleyball on the weekend. I hope that your a member to this new website, AND that I get to see you as a continued fixture down at the park where we play, AND help spread the word to others who are like minded, VBaller's! See you then and there! Regards, SammyC

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